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Dear Friend,

Never has there been a better opportunity for homeschool families to weigh-in on matters important to us. AHEA has been formed by a group of active homeschool parents and administrators.

We provide our members many advantages. These services are representation, information, cohesiveness, and continual improvement in the treatment of our members.

We provide representation in that we seek to gather together the voices of homeschoolers together to form a clear and strong voice about laws and regulations that are limiting our freedom and effectiveness. Our board is made up of community and educational leaders, experts, and activists who are dedicated to making sure that the voice of the homeschooler is part of the decision-making process in Juneau.

We provide information by distributing and collecting questionaires from candidates for statewide and district office. These questionaires can be helpful in determining the candidates general stance on the issue of homeschooling as a viable and formidable educational option. AHEA is non-partisan and does not endorse candidates. The voting part is up to you.

We will provide cohesiveness by cementing the ties between independent and state-partnered homeschools. We will survey homeschoolers in Alaska to elevate the critical issues to candidates and in the form of proposed legislation and regulation. We will make sure that our members and the decision makers are aware of the importance of homeschooling to Alaska and our children.

Our homeschools deserve respect and trust. We value cost, performance, safety and equality. We know that one size does not fit all and believe that for those who choose to partner with a state school the child's learning plan should drive funding. If legislators and AHEA members believe in the same platform for educational advancement, then we will be given the treatment that our success merits.

Please join us. Sign up as a supporter or member. Your support of AHEA will ensure that our strong and clear voices cannot be misunderstood or ignored any more. Be sure to check back as our new website unfolds! Please indicate if you would like to be a supporter or a member by clicking here.

AHEA board of directors.

© 2006, Web Design by Benjamin Shier
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